Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

3 done, 1 to go.

I find I have become bored of the daily venturing out. Unless the weather is seriously enticing or I am completely hacked off by neighbours, getting on with stuff indoors is the more stimulating option.
So after work today I shifted furniture about again to expose the final unpainted wall and then washed it in readiness for painting after work tomorrow. I was not surprised to find that the paint on this wall dissolved as soon as it was exposed to water, so it got a thorough scrub which took longer than anticipated.

I'm rather loving the new (temporary?) location of the office machine. To check I was happy with it I asked my software to count the stitches in yesterday's blip. I had to do it colour by colour otherwise the software went into meltdown, but the end result, the total of all stitches in all eight colours is 48,650. I would like to think that this is a larger number than final UK deaths from Covid-19, but I suspect it will not be.

The newspaper protecting my beautiful blanket chest in this image is dated 28th Feb 2020 and its front page tells me that on that day UK positive Covid-19 tests leaped by a sobering three cases. Imagine!

As usual, I have had the radio on in the background all day today and it is no surprise that BoJo's best friend has occupied most of the airtime.

In Douglas Adams' brilliant fantasy, “The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, it is gradually revealed that the flamboyant frontman “President” is purely a decoy to draw attention away from the quiet and private individual who makes all the decisions controlling the day-to-day running of the universe.
What on Earth can have stimulated that particular memory I wonder?

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