Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

The Rhythm of Life

My daughter texted me the other day that she loses track of the days. Every day she wakes up and it’s the same. The same wide open space in front of her. She says it’s like that movie Groundhog Day.

She has three girls to mother and to be teacher for. But her time is up to her. She tries to keep order and a rhythm, but then the girls aren’t always on the same page with it all. A bad day teaching can mean a bad day parenting. So she gives them room to have an occasional bad day, missing their friends. Etc.

After we were done chatting I realized that I have the same feelings with the same movie in mind. Except in my version, I get up early, head to the study and work, meet, write, call. Then head home at the end of the day.

I realized that the resulting feelings we were experiencing were similar. Forgetting what day it is. No differentiations in each day as it passes.

I wonder if in some way it’s just that the normal rhythms we usually follow, are gone.

The bigger earth rhythms continue on, the sun gets up and goes down. The brown field outside is turning green.

Just many of the man made rhythms are not there. School bus arrives at 8:45 am. Tuesday is cheap day at the theater. Sunday means church. Wednesday is go to the gym day. Much of that is missing, and I suspect we really miss the order and momentum those things give our lives.

I am curious to see how that effects us as people and a society.

So I got out there to record one rhythm of the earth today. It blipped nicely.

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