But Wait, There's More!

There are probably five more bees inside this very compact poppy. It's like a clown car with them coming in and out, as if there weren't dozens of other flowers all around. 

I had a new foot xray today, and "healing is taking place," which, although it sounds grudging, is excellent news and just what should be happening. I graduated from The Boot to the Lace-up Ankle Boot, a stylish accessory that lets me wear a real shoe! Today I took my first steps in six weeks on two legs of the same length. It felt very strange to be on the ground with no platforms and spacers. So, I still need to be careful, but I got the go ahead to walk more, for which I am very grateful. I did take a stroll around the Farmers' Market in the afternoon, always a nice outing. Cherries!!

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