
I have no doubt this street sign will have been photographed by many a passerby over the last few months. The residents of the unfortunately named road must be getting a little irritated with the association. I wonder how house valuations have fared.

I am seeing the light evenings as a huge plus point to being stuck in the UK. Even though I didn’t leave the house until around 8pm, I still had time for a bike ride through the meadows to Grantchester and returning via Trumpington. Yes, these are hilariously quintessential British place names for any North Americans reading. By the time I reached the house again it was getting a little sketchy in terms of vestiges of daylight remaining, and I haven’t sorted out bike lights. Luckily the streets were quiet and I didn’t come into conflict with any police officers; they are likely too busy chasing down people concocting wildly unbelievable excuses for breaking the lockdown rules. As is now the accepted norm.

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