In the shade of the trees!

Nestling only the tress is the 15thc ancient chapel of Tullibardine
It’s early start Thursday to do dance class!
After breakfast I planted out some more beetroot seedlings and pottered I am so good at pottering these days!

After lunch I drove to meet my BF & we walked to the chapel the purpose was to take a wee video of me with the chapel as the background as my fellow guides are making a marketing video for Outlander Day ( who knew there was such a day!!) which is next week and you’ve guessed Tullibardine Chapel was used as a location in the TV series
It’s been a glorious warm day temperature 24 degrees in Perthshire
We here in Scotland have moved to Phase 1 to take us out of lockdown slowly slowly does it , numbers of virus infected has slightly risen in UK. Boris has also moved England into another phase , we are about 2/3 weeks behind England
This is apparently the last Thursday night to clap for the NHS and other key workers

Weather looks settled for next few days!
Collected prescription at the Chemist , no ones else in shop although I did wear my mask ! Only second shop I’ve visited in 10 weeks!

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