Zooming the group

You may recall that after I attended my 50th college reunion two years ago, the women of my class decided to start an online group so we could continue to stay in touch.  Because we are spread out not just all over the country but all over the world, meet-ups weren't practical.  Now the group has started weekly Zoom talks given by members of our class on their areas of expertise.  This morning's talk was by Linda Greenhouse, who was the Supreme Court reporter for the New York Times for nearly forty years.  It was a really informative and interesting presentation, and 70 women attended.  I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, as we have some very accomplished alums.

It got very warm here today and we expect to be about 13 degrees above normal for the rest of the week.  For some reason the weather reporters think this is a good thing.  I do not.  But I pedal away on my bike and hope for the best.

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