
A scene I snatched on my way home from Christchurch. After two months what an adventure that was. My car needed a warrant of fitness and I needed a flu shot. I thought I’d be safer while lockdown rules about social distancing and hygiene applied.

It was all very strange. The testing station had everything very well organised, keeping the car owners separate from those being tested for driving licences, so that a big space was available for each person. At the Medical Centre it was weird not seeing the face of the nurse who gave me the jab. The shop where I bought the much needed vegetable plants could not give me a box to put them in because the virus can exist on cardboard for 3 days. What a mess I got into. My hands were filthy, but Covid free from all the hand gel I rubbed into them. The supermarket was fairly normal, just fewer people.

I’d taken my lunch as usual, but felt so contaminated I couldn’t have it. I waited until I was home, washed and changed before eating. When he came home from work my son helped me to wash and dry all the groceries. By the time that was done I was too tired to put them away, or do anything much.

We were both disappointed that I was unable to get the yeast that makes the big, fluffy, crusty loaves in the breadmaker.

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