River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Honeysuckle ...

... spotted this morning when I was sitting in the garden eating my breakfast, a lovely start to the day :-))
A morning of family history, found lots of useful information, best being Non-conformist chapel baptisms for the boys in a family.
MrD put the big parasol up so I was able to pot on tomatoes, cucumbers and courgette without getting frazzled under a very hot sun.
The thrush has been busy in the garden again, finding snails and tapping them on a stone to extract the occupant, also eating the mahonia berries until MrD started up the very noisy lawnmower - a squawk and it flew away!!
Gave the veggies, pots and apple trees a good soaking this evening, hot weather forecast for next few days.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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