twinned with trumpton


Awake far too early. Partly heat,partly thumpings from upstairs. By 0820 they were quietly nipping at each other so off we went to Lidl; try and get lunch organised and wake them up properly in the sunshine / hope they would burn the excess energy and knuckle down to some work.

And so it proved - pistachios and pulled pork purchased, they got on with their work whilst I delved into the overtime.

At lunchtime they disappeared back off to their mother's; I continued on with the OT; before a socially distant beer with the local blip royalty. Man it was hot; and that garden is in fine shape. Pity it's impossible to keep more than 2 metres apart otherwise it would be a welcome alternative to the Botanics. A veritable cornucopia and some pigeon pecked pea seedlings, too.

Another beer was required so I got that at Hers, also al fresco at a distance. 

I rather splendid meatball / pasta dish with added mozzarella to set me up for a bike ride schdeuled for Saturday before I wove though the crowds on the Meadows, trying to hunt down the errant lass who'd caused outrage on a Snapchat conversation with her friend; threatening to cough on her. A storm in a tea cup once I saw the thread. Had the irate parent been imbibing, I pondered? Anyhoo, just like a normal Friday, really, drunk people wandering the streets looking for food and conflict.

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