Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


On Friday evening the BBC hosted their regular “Any Questions” programme and it came as no surprise that the question on everybody's lips was “How/Why has Dominic Cummings been allowed to get away with it?”

Lots of learned people agreeing with the questioners that his flagrant flouting of the rules and treating the electorate as though we are all idiots has done untold damage to the Government's guidelines/restrictions/advice.

Plus one Tory plonker suggesting that if the media hadn't whipped us all into a frenzy we'd have put it behind us by now and be grazing happily back in our fields like well-behaved cattle again.

Not so! I have been furious right from the start and made more so by the 25th May garden party, not by the media.
Proof and further proof

So here's my new question;
On 23rd March the alleged Prime Minister requested that we all remain at home. We should travel to work only if our work was essential and we were unable to work from home.

Obviously medical staff, delivery drivers, shop staff and refuse collectors are unable to work from home because their work requires them being hands-on in a literal sense.

Pubs and restaurants were ordered to close despite the fact that they cannot work from home and so the furlough scheme came into being.

Most office workers can indeed work from home.

So why was it necessary for Dominic Cummings to attend his office in Downing Street up until 27th March? Why can he not work from home? Does he too need to be hands-on in a literal sense?

Perhaps it is simply because I have been keeping my own company for ten weeks now that my thought processes are wandering down conspiracy alleys, but the harder I look at this the more convinced I become that we have elected a sock-puppet and we are led by someone who wasn't even an electoral candidate.


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