Soothing Sound

This being the only photo I took today, will have to admit on Blip that we anticipated tomorrow's rules by a day. Went to take some books back to Rainette, and Geoff begged us to go down their side passage and sit awhile in their gorgeous garden, so Deb and I capitulated. 

This is their fountain. Wondering if anyone has any advice on solar versus mains ones? Really want one in Mourão, but I would like it to work at night as well, as when it's really hot, that's when we do most of our entertaining. Our mains is solar as well, actually, but you know what I mean.

- watching all three of our church's livestreams today, because we wanted to see our friends who work in Mozambique singing and dancing and playing drums and guitar and double bass, to a song from there
- reading The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry without having to buy it, as found out Deb had it
- the roast chicken dinner Sam made and we've just eaten, with an elderflower mousse from the cordial we made, that Deb made, to finish with, and an excellent Alentejano red

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