
Busy day of meetings, but some useful discussions about the big decisions we need to be creative about. Nipped out at lunchtime to post jam to C... seems to be my main means of mitigating the effects of the pandemic!
Finding it hard to keep up with writing and emails because although my back’s not super sore it’s uncomfortable sitting in a fixed position for any length of time....need to get that sorted as my To Do list isn’t reducing fast enough.
At the end of another beautiful sunny day I headed out to pick elderflower heads to make elderflower cordial thanks to a recipe from Sallymair. At first couldn’t find any bushes in Holyrood park but then saw lots out in flower although I had to scrabble up a bank to reach them. Lots of people out enjoying the sun, especially since we've been warned it won’t last much longer. It’s been the sunniest driest spring ‘since records began’ (that phrase always makes me smile for some reason)....has certainly made the lockdown bearable and my daily walks and bike rides have been a real tonic. Loved noticing the little daily changes in nature, and tracking the various plants as they bud, bloom and fade.
Home and made up the cordial mix (extra) as I chatted to A and she showed me all the work they’ve been doing in the house and garden...looking lovely.
Tried to work on in the evening and cracked a couple of things I’ve been avoiding but not all that I’d hoped.

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