
By Finonina

Raspberry Sosiphinas

I think one of the perks of my job is that it totally plays to the senses. I go into my studio and can be absorbed for hours and hours and hours in my own little chocolate world.

I was talking to a new lady today (who was fab, btw) and she was utterly bowled over by the aromas as she came into my studio. I'm pretty bang on certain that my palate is good - well probably better than good, actually. I like to think I bring a softer, gentler, more feminine touch and taste to the art of chocolatiering. It's still very male dominated.

The other sense I revel in is the visuals. The colours of my all-natural ingredients are so vibrant, the melted chocolate so shiny and inviting, the vision of a ganache as it starts to firm up as I stir, the textures and sheens.... All positively a feast for ones eyes.

It's little wonder I jump out of my skin every time someone comes into my studio; I am always so totally absorbed in my work. One day it'll be heart attack central in my studio, lol!!

Today's blip is real raspberry which I place in little moulds. I add meringue to the mix too and finally cover in dark chocolate.... Voila! My raspberry pavlova Sosiphinas. Just thought the moulds and rasps looked very pretty so wanted to share.

Hope you like the shot, Fi x

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