Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Pansy: Viola Tricolour

Thank you for all the welcoming messages from other Blip people. Today's been a wild and wet day that made going outside with a camera seem very unappealing. So instead I took a photo of a beautiful pansy in a tub of plants my son planted for me for Mother's Day. I love its joyful burst of delicate spring colours - it's like an innocent eager little face beckoning to be noticed.

Pansy flower essence is used in the treatment of viruses, from the common cold and herpes to AIDS and hepatitis.

Pansy helps tiredness that comes from viruses affecting the immune system. It shouldn't be used as an alternative to resting, but it will increase wakefulness for short spells and provide additional immune support. It's a useful preventative medicine to use as seasons change, when we can often be more vulnerable to colds.

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