A Reflection on the Slogan

I finally felt warm enough to don my blipping T-shirt today.
I had almost forgotten I had it, but it’s slogan seems even more apt at this point in time, when with lockdown instructions and always struggling to find a blip, I will not give in.

My essential exercise this morning was an early walk to the Western General Hospital to hand in some baking for the nurses using Maggie’s while it is closed to the public. The #2 carrot cake made a successful entry to the centre and looked quite appealing on the table. I only hope it it is as appealing to the taste buds.

With rain and the temperature about to fall by 10° overnight, I’m making the most of outdoor living. What a difference to ones’s lifestyle when it’s warmer outside than in. But hark! I hear the patter of raindrops around me: I knew this continental weather was too good to last and of course, as they say, the gardens do need the rain.

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