Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Monday is usually my 'computer day' when I try to get a few bits and pieces done, and this Monday was no exception. Didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but that was more than balanced out by a good, long phone call with my cousin in the morning and another good, long Facetime chat with friends later in the evening.

Didn't go out for a walk until about 5.30 but I was out for just short of two hours. My route was along to Wellpark Road at Banknock, from where I followed the track down to the Canal and back home from there.

Took a few 'standard' shots of the path and the Canal, but then came across a pair of swans, sitting almost motionless in the still water and reflected beautifully. Every so often they would have a wee change of position, a bit of a preen, a wee swim and then have a wee coorie-in into their feathers.

I stood there for quite a while just watching them, lost in my world as they were in theirs. Many photos were taken and, although a lot have been subsequently scrubbed, I've added a couple of extras in addition to my main Blip for today.

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