Winter Light

There is something very special about Winter light and while we (The Boss and ME) were waiting for the other walkers from the Churton Park group in Wellington to turn up this morning the sun came out and this tree sent us an email. The Boss was a bit slow getting out of the car and staggering the distance to where the tree was yelling at us and by the time he arrived it had gone off air.....The sun had disappeared behind a cloud. Curses...(Or something like that) he muttered but about 5 minutes later  the light reappeared which just goes to prove that is at first you don't see the light there may be another chance. 
Later in the forest...something stirred and we discovered a wonderful Smurf Corner that had been built on the side of the track (Trail for or Northern folk) literally in the middle of nowhere. There are wonderful creative folk all over this place. 

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