In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Amos The Magician'

A really lovely morning today, I was up early and went for a nice long peaceful walk before before anyone else in the house had woken yet.

Came across lots of kangaroos on the way back home, but no camera with me. Will have to just commit that scene to my memory banks.

We headed down to the Warrandyte Craft Market after breakfast, and there were loads of wonderful sights, smells and sounds.

Dylan being the family magician came across 'Amos' the magician down at the market entertaining kids of all ages. This image shows Amos teaching Dylan one of his magic tricks and stunning all of the others kids watching. Both Mrs RW and myself took many photos of this wonderful and generous man, but I've decided to go for this more abstract image which nicely show off the tools of his trade.

We also saw a 3 piece band called Rivertribe, who I was taken by, they were mixing didgeridoos, keyboards and drums, a really unique kind of sound and I had to purchase one of their CD's.

I've also been spending a lot of time remembering my Dad who passed away 2 years ago today. I miss you so much mate and wish you could see how your family is growing up so wonderfully, I'm sure you would be very proud.

I would really like to say thanks to everyone for their kind words, stars and hearts for yesterdays blip. You're a great bunch.

A few more shots HERE, if you want to see more of Amos and other things.

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