
I had a lovely 2 hour FaceTime with my good friend T this afternoon and for a lot of it a blackbird was broadcasting his lovely song from my aerial. The song be so amplified by my chimney that T could easily hear it. Otherwise a boring day ploughing through a big pile of ironing, plus dealing with a Sainsbury's delivery. 

Day 81 / Day 73 of Lockdown / Day 4 of Step 2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 176 to 39,904. Worryingly hospital admissions have gone up to 505 yesterday, 6% up from a week ago. Testing was 222,057 yesterday. Deaths in Mexico exceeded 1k today. 42M have signed for unemployment support in the US since Mar, the BBC reported that 1 in 5 have lost their job.   Boris was spotted not social distancing in the Commons yesterday. The Business Secretary tested negative for the virus despite clearly looking ill in the Commons yesterday, let's hope it's not one of the false negatives. I don't understand that the guidance is that we work from home if possible and avoid public transport if not and can't yet stay in hotels, and yet MPs have been required to return to the Commons - crazy!

From Mon 15th June in England the wearing of face coverings on public transport is to be mandatory (why not from next Mon and why not in all public places you can't socially distance???). You cannot travel if not complying and could be fined. Cost of Govt CV response now estimated to cost £132.5bn. Emergency BoE funding of businesses through the Coronavirus Corporate Financing Facility (via the purchase of commercial paper) has paid out £16.18bn to 53 companies including a lot of household names.  

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