Feather and Flora

One dog rose waved a petal,
as if she tried to say,
"Thank you for the photo.
May we be your blip today?"

But then a chiffchaff sang to me,
"Chee-choo-chee-cha chee-choo!"
as if he said the very same,
so he's today's blip, too!

There's also a hoverfly and a housefly in the roses, who doubtless wanted to be included, despite their silence on blip-matters.

It was a lovely walk, with a pleasant breeze to stop us from roasting in the hot sun. We could see clearly across the fields to the sea and Start Point lighthouse in one direction and the edge of Dartmoor in the other. And I caught a little (wobbly) video of the chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) singing. (You can see his open beak in my collage.)

Thank you to my sister, and to Elwetritsche, Murmuration and others for confirming my identification of the chiffchaff - and its lovely German name Zilpzalp. And thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

Had a lovely video call with our daughter and grand-daughter, who waved at us like mad, and listened and smiled when I sang to her (which is more than the rest of my family do!) She's ten months old today.

Have a lovely weekend, blipmates.

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