Ripe & Ready

Best not talk about Lockdown  - enough said by those in a position to change things but won't; it seems to be a complete mess. I know there is no blueprint for this event but at least there ought to be some sort of considered eventuality - clearly not.

Good news on the allotment front.  John took a call from the landowner this afternoon  who wants allotments on the specified patch - John will be supplying plans to fit the 12 allotments on the space but the 'boss' must be in charge - so, it's just a matter of semantics so that honour is maintained.  Good to know we are all street legal now.

I was on a call earlier with Olympus webinar about custom settings - I am learning a lot about my camera so worth the time.  Lots of good things on-line so keep an eye out where you are and don't miss them.

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