
By jennym999

Thomas Hardy lived in Surbiton

Day 80- very windy cycle to Surbiton but before the rain! Blue plaque on a house next door to where Thomas Hardy(1840-1928) lived. Most people think of Hardy as living in Dorset where he was born and lived for his last 43 years. He actually published ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ in 1874 when living in Surbiton which was then an up and coming suburb of London due to the railway station opening in 1863. Extra shows a map from the area in 1898. Kingston was noticeably busier than a Saturday a few weeks ago .. more stalls open in the market place and more restaurants open for takeaway coffees. Saw someone with BLM banners too as a demonstration was organised for there this afternoon.

- delivery from the pie shop
- took pie to a friend and collected quilt square from another friend
- heavy storms in afternoon so no watering needed

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