Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

You lookin' at me?

The plan was to blip that old red tractor, but these interlopers beat me to the spot. They were quite close to the road and were watching intently as I pulled up and slowly stepped out of the car. Unfortunately, I spooked them and they took off across a field. At this point, I think they felt that they had successfully foiled my shot and were gloating. I would not be deterred so easily and I think I saw a brief look of surprise when I pulled out the big zoom. In this picture they are sizing me up and trying to decide if the big white lens is some kind of alien weapon or if I am just a crazed photography hobbiest.

From a composure standpoint, I find the lack of contrast in the shot a bit bland, but I like nature shots and this one struck my fancy. I have tried to photograph deer on multiple occasions and this is the first result that I have liked. I particularly like how they are staring at me and the range of body positions.

Unfortunately, everyone is sick here at chez TMG and so I am off to bed. (Yeah, I know it is before 8 PM, but we have a long night ahead of us.) Sorry, no comments from me tonight. I will catch up in the next couple of days.

No Photoshopping here, just basic saturation, contrast, brightness and white balance.

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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