A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella

We Did It

My plan for a cycle with friends was soon cancelled this morning as I sat listening to the rain drumming on the velux window whilst eating my porridge. Having only had a short walk yesterday I did need to get out and do something so I changed into my running gear and headed across the valley and along Shipley Glen. 10km completed and I was ready for a second breakfast. The rain was pretty relentless for the next few hours so I carried on sewing C's new dress, made some bread for lunch and sorted lunches for tomorrow.

By mid afternoon the rain had finally stopped, and the sun briefly made an appearance. Trainers back on and this time it was another run round Northcliffe for the final run of our couch to 5k. Mission completed and a well deserved medal earnt. Next challenge is to keep them running!

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