Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

I guess we're not in Kansas anymore

The high winds that have buffeted us in the last few days have sent the usual assortment of missiles flying and crashing around us. In the bleak, muddy winter fields of Willington Down Farm a particularly intriguing object has tumbled into the hedgerow. It's either a very small house or a modern plastic version of a 1950's Police Box. Closer inspection did not reveal any feet sticking out from under it - with or without Ruby Slippers. Nor was there any sign of a pigtailed Kansas farm girl in the vicinity, although this being Didcot there is no shortage of bloody Munchkins. Any passengers would quickly have been disabused of the notion that they had landed in a colourful, magical land - in fact the cinema version of black and white, studio set, dust bowl Kansas with its assortment of child friendly farm hands and vagabonds, looks quite palatable next to the current state of Cameron's Britain. One thing we have in common with Oz though is that we are ruled by a useless, lying charlatan who hides his real aims (and backers) behind a curtain. I'm sure, like the population of the Emerald City, our population would turn out to cheer at the spectacle of him drifting away in an out of control balloon. As for wicked witches, well Thatcher is still breathing and we also have the atrocious Nadine Dorries with her Christian agenda - there's two that richly deserve to be melted.

Perhaps this thing that has tumbled to earth is more extraterrestrial in origin. No sign of any charismatic Galifrean Time Lord or his eye candy companions I'm afraid. At least if he were to land the TARDIS here he would be on familiar territory - the 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith landed just up the road in the 1970's and filmed "The Android Invasion" in the next village. In fact they even filmed some of it at my old laboratory (The National Radiological Protection Board).

A close approach to the TARDIS didn't look too hopeful. If he was in there it smelled like he'd had a terrible accident.

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