
....... to sleep in their cubby that they've made.

Another chilly day, also a few heavy showers today.  But not complaining about the rain.

At least when we went out, to feed the ducks it didn't rain.

I also took the girls to the local shopping centre, to try and buy a couple of things.  But couldn't find either of the things I wanted.

Mia can now count to 10, but still can't say seven, so she just misses it out.

Disaster tonight.  Neo has been howling around the house.  Then the dreaded black and white cat came around.

My husband went out to try and chase it off, and Neo got out.

A terrible fight ensued, and my husband had to hit the black and white cat with a stick, to get it away from Neo.

Neo is covered in mud, and looks a bit shell shocked.  He's never actually met another cat before.

I'm a bit reluctant to touch him at the moment.  I just hope he's not injured.

With a bit of luck the black and white cat may have learnt his lesson, and wont come back.

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