
By Leiflife

A Little Catching Up - Maybe

Browsing through May photographs, so many unposted... Mostly birds... Photos that thrilled me at the time... I see most of them as gifts because it is usually when unexpected. The birds appear and I have my camera ready. Of course I do show up. Nearly every day Lumen and I get in the car and drive to the park for his walk. And incidentally, for me to take pictures - maybe. So the gifts have piled up: photos loaded onto my computer, edited a bit, and poured over. Decisions don't come easily when it comes to sharing. So usually, the lid comes down because I am hungry, or Lumen needs a walk, or the cat...

So the phone just rang, and Lumen needs picking up at the groomer. Will I get back to this?

I quickly downloaded a few. More latter...

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