Day 77 – Tram

So it’s now the end of week 11 of the lockdown, and the UK has had the fewest number of deaths in a day since the lockdown began. That’s good news although Sunday and Monday figures are always lower than other days of the week. But the trend is down so hopefully the hills will be calling in the next 4 or 5 weeks. Scotland has had 2 days with no Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that there will be more to come. In a quirk of the way statistics are collected, the UK death toll was 55 whereas that for England was 59; go figure the daftness of not reporting the same time periods.

We went for a bike ride in west Edinburgh as the weather was bright this morning and came up to the cycle path near where the tramway goes over the railway. It’s a good place to see the line as it comes out of town with the Castle beyond. I took 3 shots: no tram, this one in the mid-distance, and a third where the tram was nearer but it took away the S curve of the track and the Castle.

Best large.

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