Blowing in the wind

Rain and strong winds had been forecast for today so I had already planned on taking the tram to the sanctuary this afternoon but it was still quite sunny when it was time to leave the house and the wind didn't look too bad either so I changed my mind and decided to ride my bicycle instead.

While I was walking Thelma though the wind started to pick up considerably, making it quite difficult again to get any good shots when I looked for a blip after the walk and it was very much a case of quickly taking one or two photos in the few seconds that the wind stopped blowing occasionally. The final choice was between a shot of some moss and one of catkins and obviously the latter won. I hope to be able to get one of the moss again soon for another blip though.

It eventually started to rain just as I was riding out of the park and half way to the supermarket to do some shopping it got very dark and some tiny hailstones started to fall. They may have been very small but they damn well hurt were quite painful! Fortunately the hailstones stopped again after a few minutes and it was dry again when I rode home after the shopping.

Sunday tomorrow which means a stay-at-home day again for me. I'm actually looking forward to it not having to go out for a change and hope to be able to get a few things done this time. Hopefully I can also spend a little more time with bunny Rosie than I have done the last week.

I hadn't seen any Easter eggs at the shops yet so far but they have finally arrived at the supermarket and the temptation was so strong that I simply had to take some home with me.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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