Book Club by Zoom

This month we read The Exploding Mangoes -  which we did not like much and The Familiars which was OK for a debut novel and on an interesting topic- the Pendle witches. 
I also read the other books in this picture which is for my record. Well but quite, I have not yet finished Prisoners of Geography because its quite a heavy read but very interesting.
Nearly all of us were sporting ponytails - when oh when will we be able to get our hair cut!! 

It rained nearly all day. The garden is well watered. 

Day 82
Boris did the daily briefing. Shops and zoos can open next week. Single adult households can form a social bubble with another household. Its no good asking Mother to be a social bubble with us because she can't get here and I'm not doing a day trip to Worthing from the Lake District to see her. 

When is Test Track and Trace coming in???  I have heard rumours the Isle of Wight test has not gone well. 

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