
By AnnieBelle


I've lived in this area for 34 years and in that time I've seen a lot of changes. I could go on, write you an essay, but I will spare you. So I will tell you about the main thing as I see it - it's gone from low /medium to high density population, because of our proximity to the CBD. Many of the old low rise factory units have been replaced by high rise residentials. Cranes dominate the skyline. One goes, another hole in the ground and another crane appear.

On the upside, the biggest hole in the ground in 1986 was what used to be the brickworks and is now Sydney Park, in which I stood to photograph the crane. The extra was taken a bit later when it was truly dark. We still have the red lights of the crane, but we also have one of the guys who were doing fencing (as in swords) practice. He looks like an angel, or maybe a nun.

Thanks for hosting Ingeborg. Stay well all.

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