Garden wildlife update

Despite the less than inspiring weather, there were plenty of bees around today, including this one. I actively encourage bees to hang out in the garden but I finally reached the end of my tether today with the wood pigeons who have been stealing all the bird food en masse, preventing the smaller birds from getting a look-in. They also sit on the aerial and make a terrible mess of the patio. So, I invested in a couple more bird feeders - one for sunflower seeds and another for peanuts (for Cyril) - and took a hammer to the side platforms on the side of the bird table that the pigeons stand on; or rather, used to stand on. And, I'm very pleased to say that the robins, bluetits, dunnocks and blackbirds - and Cyril - have all had good suppers while the wood pigeons have wandered around on the ground, picking up the dregs. HA!

In other news, we've got some scaffolding up out the back as a roofer is coming tomorrow to sort out some minor repairs. One of these is to replace the wooden gable; while he was putting the scaffold up he noticed a wasps' nest through one of the gaps in it. He sprayed this with insecticide so there won't be any wasps there tomorrow, I'm afraid (don't tell Chris Packham).

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