
By SparseRunner


I spent another busy, damp day, looking for clues as to how to improve the accuracy of И's code. A pure mathematician at heart, she understands the "clever" stuff that it does, but doesn't have my experienced nose for improving performance and thinking about the consequences of computer arithmetic being inexact. [Meanwhile she was buying her first car with money that we've not yet been paid! The contract I got her is very lucrative, but she'd be earning a lot more if she hadn't thrown in her lot with me!] I also had an email from someone at a big company who is using our software and is very happy with it. It'll probably just mean kudos (rather than money) but that's also important.

I've been enjoying the best of L's vegetarian food, but tonight she spent two hours making "cauliflower pizza". Although the toppings were good, the base had the texture of a thin kitchen sponge that needed wringing out. An interesting thing to try, but she acknowledged that it wasn't worth the effort.

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