Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

"Mrs. T"

Today was haircut time for Taylor, not Swift. A sudden impulse moment? Possibly. I asked for a Mohican style trim. Yup, just like Mr. T. Or Daniel Day-Lewis, depending on what decade we're talking. Mrs. Tuttle and Tuttle Jnr both nearly died in shock and laughter when she returned to her rightful home. I think it'll grow on us and will be tempted to let them top curls blossom. 

However, this style does have its practical uses: cleaner on the underside during wet weather as those short little legs flick all kinds of sh!t up her belly & underarms. And then there's the naughty bits as this lady doesn't toss up her leg! And ladies like Taylor, not Swift, don't like to smell badly either. Also it'll keep her cool in the summer whilst at the same time retaining some of her curls. The hot weather a couple of months ago was an absolute nightmare for her in her thick(er) coat.

So all good if you ask me.

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