Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Randomly lovely

It's been a somewhat untypical day for me - a rather random day in many ways, like the Serbian Bellflower (I'm told) that has found a cranny in my wall to sprout in. For once I tried to be sensible, so there was no walk in my day at all, and the only exercise I got (apart from going up and down stairs) was a bit of hoeing and cutting back of the plants that, having been rained on during the week, had decided to droop over the path in the back garden. Other than that I read, I sat in the sun, I chatted to various people. This last included a zoom with my #2 son who was showing us the incredible design work his company's being doing with a school in Kuala Lumpur - and no, he's not an architect, he's an educator who works with architects as well as teachers to improve, in this case, the environment where education happens. 

The evening was the most bizarre, and wildly enjoyable, in a hectic sort of way. Our church has a reputation for its Quiz Nights, which are usually meals with a quiz (in teams) as the after-dinner amusement. People from other churches and none come along for the fun, and it's a good fund-raiser. All this, of course, can't happen just now, but we did it on Zoom instead after our dinner and it turned out just as crazy as the face-to-face event. We didn't win, but in our wine-fuelled way we tried our damndest and came in a respectable 4th ...

But it's amazing how a group of 6 septuagenarians draw a complete blank with the music of the 80s ...

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