
Sometimes I think we can be too focussed on Gardening and forget to enjoy the garden...then in the winter I look back and wonder why I didn't just sit out more and soak up the sunshine. So today I did drag a chair and table out to the horse chestnut tree and read my book and enjoyed the view.

It was actually the kind of day when being inside is difficult and I wanted to make the most of every minute of sunshine. As well as sitting in the garden, I went up around Glenkiln. A lot of other cyclists seemed to have had the same idea and it was wonderful to see so many people out on their bikes. In fact, members of Cycling Dumfries were sitting at the Routin Brig, counting passing bikes and cars. I'll be interested to see their results.

Can you see Jess under the tree? This is where she sits and waits for squirrels!

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