A Spin Of The Wheel

By gofer1971

Red Wash!

I've been in the house all day and just can't muster any energy to do anything! I forced myself to tidy up after the wife and kids, when they left for work/school.

But I did get a phone call I was hoping for - a job interview tomorrow! Woohoo!
For those that don't know me, I've been out of work since November last year, and like so many others, have been struggling to find employment. Fingers crossed I get this one!

As a result of my lethargy, I had zero inspiration for a blip. I blipped a couple of pine cones; posted the pic and then deleted it again a minute later. It's amazing how blip has changed my outlook to photography. I now take a bit of pride in my shots instead of the old 'point - shoot - forget-about-it' attitude I used to have.

Anyway, back to todays blip. Going into the kitchen, the light reflected off the inside of the washing machine. This split second observation had me reaching for the camera! Inspiration comes from the craziest sources!

No photoshopping on this and no camera effects either! The red came from me covering the flash on my camera with my finger and this is what I got! I don't think a photoshop session could have gave me a better result!

ps. Many thanks for the comments yesterday. Very overwhelming and it totally made my night!

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