
"Help, there is a strange ULO (Unknown Lying Object) in my way!"
The little and rather beautiful spider was very confused about my tries to add her to fearless Claire. And she was very quick. It must have been absolutely ridiculous to watch me to blip this. 
To blow on the spider to stop her ( or recollect her with a sheet of paper), add the Hanulli, try to focus and blip, recollect the spider, try to prevent her from escaping in laughing H0tamers direction....
No Hanulli or spider was hurt for this blip. Only H0tamer has sore laughing muscles ;-)

Reminder for  the Tiny People Challenge:
The tag for the whole June it is TiPS46. Hearts and HMs will be delivered in the first days of July. 
You can make as many entries as you like. I'm looking forward to many creative entries of the adventures of all sorts of tiny figures. Have fun!

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