Flowers Again

After yesterday's efforts in the garden I woke up with my shoulders and lower back talking to me; suggesting a less arduous day, thank you.
So we started the day with a swim and then came home for yoga, and after that we really needed breakfast!  Once the hunger was fixed it was back out into the garden for more digging, weeding, and sorting. As the day wore on the air stilled and clouds made the sun hazy and midges emerged in hordes. They didn't really seem to bite but they got in the eyes and got breathed in and were very infuriating. In the end they drove me inside but I had an online meeting coming up anyway.
Later in the evening I realised I hadn't taken any photos so I wandered into the garden and found a flowerbed backlit by the low sun. These flowers are more-or-less self sown. The lupins have been in our garden for many years and the difficulty with them is limiting them to certain areas. The columbine, Aquilegia vulgaris, (akleja, or akvileja in Swedish), grows wild in meadows but we think we bought some many years ago. Every autumn Jan goes around with the seedheads, sprinkling the seeds around our gardens and in the spring they pop up everywhere.
If the weather forecast is to be believed this was the last really hot day, tomorrow it will still be sunny but cooler. I must say that's something of a relief.

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