Open Wide

The chicks off the back porch are constantly hungry now.  It's awfully hectic in the nest with three of them practically spilling out as they crane their necks for air and food.  Both parents are racing back and forth bringing worms non-stop. 

None of my bird shots were clear today.  I even landed my first blips of breeding male bobolinks at Frohring Meadows!  Yesterday we watched a red winged blackbird attacking a great blue heron at Mentor Marsh.  It didn't phase the heron one bit, but he fly off when I let my window down to shoo an insect out.

Today it was my turn.  The sparrows were nice.  The blue bird even posed for me for awhile.  But the tree swallows were after me again at Frohring Meadows.  I watched other people walk by their roosts and the birds paid no attention.  When I approached I got double-teamed with them swooping and clicking ever closer.  Awhile later, I didn't even get close to the birdhouse when the parent went on a relentless attack until I ran screaming to the parking lot.  I looked around.  If anyone noticed, they didn't care.  I wound up laughing at myself, but honestly, can they identify me even under my big wide-brimmed sunhat?  Maybe I should switch back to a baseball cap or take an umbrella?

Thanks Laurie54 for hosting.  Thanks for visiting.  

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