About to turn

By jMcLean


This happy group was walking from the playing fields past the high school, which I'd stopped to photograph. They were all for having their picture taken.The one on the right wanted me to know that someday he'll be a celebrity. 

Another nicely cool day, 75 or so, and overcast. A trip to Wegmans this morning for a few more food items and a wave of unforeseen sadness as I picked out Father's Day cards, missing my own dad and thinking this might be the last one we send Harry. 

Met Laura at the picnic table under the sycamore tree for some writing. It was a bit buggy. A translucent little spider took a liking to my laptop and hung out for awhile on the tab key. I had to remember this when starting new paragraphs. A birdhouse nearby was the source of lots of racket each time the parents returned.

Son D. just raced upstairs from his guitar practice to tell us he'd seen a SKUNK outside the window. It had pawed at the screen and looked in on him, and he was thrilled. He said hello back. Earlier today he also came across an impressive black snake resting around a tree trunk, so he's quite pleased with his wildlife sightings.

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