
By Dudders

Lingfield Road - No 7 of an Occasional Series

Not a day to be out-doors

The 'far end' of Lingfield Road was situate in Lingfield as part of the Godstone RDC area. Today has been spent, using paper, scissors and glue  mapping out (thanks to the Scottish Library) the route that the Enumerator (Mr W E Hoyle) took for the 1911 Census as he covered the far southern end of his area. Lingfield Road formed a 3-way split the northern end was all in the East Grinstead UDC area, but the Surrey bit was split down the middle so that Mr Hoyle did everything on the east side of the road and that on the west side was the responsibility of Mr A Barralet. 

So far I know who occupied every house in Frith Park!

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