Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Little Tuff Guy

I think most anyone who is lucky enough to be in an area with Tufted Titmice can agree that they are utterly adorable.  They are almost never ill-behaved or rude, and tend to be high on the cute-o-meter.  What is even cuter than an adult TT, is a juvenile...which I hope to be featuring soon.  This was one of two parents who was busy shuttling seeds up to several noisy youngsters who were well hidden in the upper forest canopy.  In fact, the upper story of the woods is pretty much abuzz with fledglings at the moment.  This afternoon, in addition to the titmice, I heard/saw house finch and downy woodpecker kids.  Soon...very soon I will get my lens on them.

Had a most enjoyable Mojito Monday evening with our friends yesterday.  The view from their deck, overlooking the farm fields with heavy woods in the background is just lovely.  Add a big red-tailed hawk swooping low over the fields and ...well, it was pretty perfect.  Not to mention the conversation which ranged across a wide range of topics as it usually does.

Then, this morning, I met up with one of my nature friends and we enjoyed a great 2-mile walk while tallying up 30 species of birds, the most unusual being a Least Bittern.  Very fun time and I am happy to say that over half the people we passed on the trail were masked.  

We are continuing to have beautiful weather this week - and I plan to enjoy every bit of it.  Soon enough we will be back to sweltering heat and humidity.  

Continue to stay safe, to be kind, to be loving...


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