Mike's area

By mikeprice

Is it me???

I draw your attention to 2 sections of the article on the BBC News website

a) "At first I thought it was some sort of Roman pottery as it was quite rusty"

errmm - pottery - rusty - maybe I am being over fussy

b) Then my second thought was it must be a mine.

"I took some photographs........

Errmm - it MUST be a mine - i.e. a big thing full of explosives designed to go bang if disturbed - and old and therefore possibly unstable

So she took some photographs -

Now I know there are some very dedicated blippers out there
but surly the first thought process should be
1)run away
2)take cover
3) prevent anyone else getting near
4) dial 999
5) swap camera lens for a telephoto
6) THEN take photo

the most important part being - RUN AWAY!!!

or is it me??

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