Local Windmill, Zevenbergen

We did pass by the third one in Etten-Leur but it was facing the 'wrong' way, and I wasn't about to trespass into the backyard or field 'behind' it just to get the shot I wanted, so off to the next village, and for once I was glad it was facing 'this way', as it is literally tucked between the houses that it is nigh impossible to get a full frontal shot from the other side.  There's an extra to show what I mean ... and can you spot AW lounging?  The road is so narrow I couldn't have gotten a decent shot.

So ... two windmills this week!  Who knows what the future will bring.

After Zevenbergen, we passed by Son and Rani as they would have gotten married today!  Out of consideration for all their guests, they decided to move the event to next year.  Son did keep his day free.  He is a real family man, that guy.  Who would have thought!  He told us a little story -- 5-year-old Grandson came home from school recently and ran straight away to his mum and dad and told them very seriously: "I am so happy and so proud that you are my dad and mum, and I am so proud to be your son ... and just thinking of that is making me cry."  Whereupon he promptly burst into tears and they all had a warm hug.  Tears in everyone's eyes after that!

The Psychology MOOC on course.  AW had his Friday bridge evening.  I didn't drive him this time as it hasn't been a nice day in connection with some financial worries ... or maybe I was just in a blackish mood.  Hard to tell sometimes.

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