
By Islaynder

Otter, otter everywhere...

I just thought I'd sit in the garden and read a chapter THEN go for a run.  
Then I thought I'd just read another chapter (it's gripping stuff!) THEN go for a run. 
Then I was hungry and I don't like running on empty so I thought I'd have an early dinner THEN go a run (after a suitable period of digestion!).  
Then...  meh...      well, I've run the past three days so really ought to have a break.

It was a nice evening so Otter Club was busy.  So much so that one passing wag of a cyclist shouted, "SOCIAL DISTANCING!".   It was a valid comment!

Eventually, after the amateurs had lost patience, an otter was spotted heading downstream.  As it was getting late I thought I might as well try to follow them.  At the next bridge down I saw two (see Blip) pass below and continue downriver.   I was able to follow them for a while and even had my closest encounter ever with a wild otter - I could even hear it breathing!   They soon shrugged off their stalker but I came home happy.

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