Burgess Park Panorama

Another one of those days when you win some or loose some.

My Lens Repair started yesterday and the engineers discovered that the problems were bigger than they initially thought. More parts needed so the it was no longer economic to repair the lens.

My granddaughters birthday book had not be delivered by end of day yesterday so I posted my copy to Ireland first thing this morning. Guess what. By the time I got back home my daughter got in contact to tell me the book had just arrived.

Deliveries have been very good but had to be given another refund for non delivery of a product.

Todays Blip is a stitch of four images taken in Burgess Park. I thought it was better to go with this than one of rain drops.

It's nearly the end of the week. One of the many advantages of being retired is you have more time to go resolving problems.

Continue to stay safe and keep well

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