In this age of uncertainty, it is good to get answers to some of the questions bothering the great thinkers of today. As a public service, I will give you some of these answers.

Q: Did you, NickMog, have a good day today?
A: Yes, thankyou very much for asking

Q: Should the runner of today wear normal running shoes or "trail" shoes with extra grip?
A: Given that it is very muddy and slippy today, you would be stupid to wear normal running shoes.

Q: Is it true that you are an old man, NickMog?
A: This is a tricky one to answer. As you know, the only way to tell whether you are old is to fall over in front of someone and see whether their reaction is one of amusement or concern. Luckily, I was wearing normal running shoes on a very muddy and slippy path and so, when I inevitably fell over, I was able to test this by watching the dog-walking man in front of me. He was definitely amused rather than concerned. In fact, he was so amused that I must be even younger than I had thought. So I haven't yet reached the stage where Mrs NickMog will have to call the offspring and say "I don't want you to worry, and he's alright, but your father has had a fall".

Q: Does vinyl really sound better than CD or MP3?
A: I thought that you might ask this, so I spent the afternoon fitting a new cartridge to the NickMog turntable so that I could do a comparison for you. The answer is "Yes, vinyl blows digital away as if it (vinyl) where one of those Dyson 'Air Blade' driers turned on its side and it (digital) was a ping-pong ball"

Q: And this isn't just you being an old fart, stuck in your ways?
A: No. I am young and hip - see my answer above.

Q: Thank you very much..
A That wasn't, technically, a question, but thank you very much for asking me.

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