Hillview Photography

By Nikki23Kerr

Home again

I was very poorly yesterday so Mummy couldn't take my photo. I woke up and wasn't hungry and my back legs hurt and I had a temperature.

Mummy took me to the vet and then she left me there! Just walked away in the carpark in the car park and left me!!

The nice vet lady tried to stick a needle in me, but I growled at her. They said I was difficult but would you want to be stuck with a needle!

They did win in the end and took some blood. I apparently have hyperthyroidism which explains why I am always hungry. I also have osteoarthritis which is why my legs hurt. The nice vet gave me some medicine and now my legs don't hurt, mummy has to give me medicine everyday now forever!

The best bit is Mummy came back to get me today, she does love me, I got lots of hugs and food. I am now washing and just happy to be home. Mummy said she told my brother and sister Dougal and Florence and they sent me lots of love.

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