Bumper sticker

I am not one for bumper stickers, but I bought this when I visited the Newseum last year. That museum has sadly closed.

Jill bought magnetic backing, so this isn't actually stuck to my car. I love it. And you can see my university license plate frame. I am thinking of buying some University of Arizona headrest covers for the heck of it. I don't buy enough things for myself. I might as well get to it before my job goes kaput.

We were told yesterday that more furloughs are expected in the third quarter. They said it would be equal to or less than what we had this quarter, which was one week off a month. Reporters, photojournalists and videojournalists are exempt. Of course they hit the editors. We always get the shaft.

At least I still have a job. There's always that. But it really bites that this is going to be my lowest paid year since I worked for beans at a newspaper in 2010. I am still adding to savings, even if it's just a little. Gotta be prepared.

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